
Showing posts from June, 2022

Nursing Home Abuse- How Serious the Issue is? Nursing home abuse occurs when a nursing home patient suffers bodily, psychological, or financial harm as a result of the caregivers' negligence or malicious actions. According to studies, 24 percent of Americans die in nursing homes each year. Nearly 10,000 nursing home patients submitted abuse complaints in 2013, according to the National Center for Victims of Violence. Some nursing facilities may be understaffed or overcrowded, putting caregivers under a lot of strain. This may put caregivers under a lot of stress, resulting in physical or emotional abuse of the residents. Poor business policies may result in the hiring of caretakers with little or no prior expertise or training. Bedsores, falls and head injuries , signs of emotional distress , fractures, sedation, malnutrition, etc. are some of the common signs of a nursing home abuse. Nursing home abuse may be presented as a physical abuse, psy